Arts Entrepreneurship

Mizzou’s arts entrepreneurship initiative takes an innovative approach to career training by utilizing the various community programs already in place at Mizzou as the primary laboratories for students to develop a vision, holistic skills, and a professional network.  These community programs also provide students the chance to earn part-time income as teachers, performers, and mentors -- offering a slice of the life for which they are preparing. These classes are open to students of all majors at MU but focuses curriculum on the arts programs offered in the School of Music, Department of Theatre, and the School of Visual Studies.  A certificate can be earned by taking 12 credits of qualifying classes and can be earned on its own or in conjunction with a degree program. 


Arts Entrepreneurship Coordinator

Pete Zambito
Associate Teaching Professor
302 Sinquefield Music Center

Arts Entrepreneurship Faculty

Managing Director of Mizzou New Music Initiative
205 Sinquefield Music Center
Affiliate Faculty, Arts Entrepreneurship
Art on the Move Coordinator & Instructor
307 Swallow Hall
Affiliate Faculty, Assistant Professor in Theatre
129 Fine Arts Building
Associate Teaching Professor
Assistant Director of Athletic Bands, Arts Entrepreneurship Coordinator, Percussion
302 Sinquefield Music Center