Community Music Program

The Community Music Program (CMP) is an outreach effort sponsored by the University of Missouri School of Music to aspiring musicians of all ages (including adults) in central Missouri. Our goal is to serve as a primary resource for high quality instruction and performance opportunities for students of all ages and stages of musical development. Music lessons offered through CMP are ideal for those individuals seeking individualized attention, musical challenges and enrichment beyond the usual large ensemble experience. Motivation and interest are the only entrance requirements.
MU students interested in teaching for CMP can email for more information.
The spring '25 application is now closed. The summer/fall '25 application will open in early April.
CMP private lessons are taught on a weekly basis in School of Music buildings. Instruction will be provided by undergraduate music majors, graduate music majors, or approved non-majors who study at the University of Missouri. Instructors are recommended by the applied faculty and are appointed to teach in the Community Music Program.
Students seeking instruction should contact the program coordinator, who will handle applications, fees, and pupil placement. The placement of students and schedule with an instructor is subject to instructor availability. In the event a teacher is not available, a waiting list will be maintained.
Scheduling of lessons is arranged directly between the instructor and pupil. Instructors will contact students by phone or email to schedule the lesson time. CMP does not provide instructional materials, music, instruments for rental, practice facilities, or accompanists. CMP students should seek the advice of their instructor before purchasing any materials or music.
Mode of instruction: Students can choose to take online or in-person lessons.
Tuition is based upon the educational qualification of the instructor, length of lesson, and term of instruction. All fees are charged on a semester basis and payable before the start of lessons. Pro-rated tuition is available to those registering late. A $25.00 non-refundable fee is included for administrative and facility costs each session. Refunds are generally not given and may only be granted on approval from the Coordinator. Only online payments are accepted (no cash or checks).
As of summer 2024, we will no longer be offering payment plans.
Tuition Rates:
Undergraduate Instructors
30 minutes
45 minutes
1 hour
Graduate Instructors
30 minutes
45 minutes
1 hour
Undergraduate Instructors
30 minutes
45 minutes
1 hour
Graduate Instructors
30 minutes
45 minutes
1 hour
13-Week Fall / Spring Session*
13-Week Fall / Spring Session*
8-Week Summer Session*
8-Week Summer Session*
Cost per lesson
Cost per lesson
Cost per lesson
Cost per lesson
*Total amount includes $25 administrative fee
Only online payments are accepted (no cash or checks).
All scholarship recipients will need to fill out this scholarship agreement form.
Partial Scholarships - A limited number of partial scholarships are available for anyone that is able to partially pay for lessons. Partial scholarships are available on a first come, first served basis.
If you are applying for a partial scholarship you will need to write a short statement in the CMP application that could include any relevant financial information/reasons for potential hardship. The max amount of scholarship given is $50 per semester. The application fee will also be waived.
All scholarship recipients will need to fill out this scholarship agreement form.
Persistence in Music Scholarship – A tenet of our School of Music mission is to promote and facilitate a culture and atmosphere of mutual respect in our school. We value the uniqueness of every individual and strive to ensure each person’s success. By sharing and rallying our unique characteristics in service of our core campus values of respect, responsibility, discovery and excellence, we can make Mizzou a better place to learn, work, serve, and innovate. In alignment with this plan, we are pleased to offer the Persistence in Music Scholarship. Recipients of the Persistence in Music Scholarship will receive a full scholarship for 13x30min online or in-person lessons with either an undergraduate or graduate instructor. The Persistence in Music Scholarship is renewable each semester. However, students will need to resubmit a scholarship application.
Eligibility for the Persistence in Music Scholarship:
Students that meet the criteria below for their grade/instrument are able to apply for the Persistence in Music Scholarship. The goal of this scholarship is to provide music lessons for students who due to life circumstances face significant difficulty in participating in or cannot participate in music lessons. We especially encourage students from Title I schools in Missouri, students that do not have music programs at their schools, and students in rural school districts to apply.
Age range:
- Strings: grade 6 - 12
- Band: grade 6 - 12
- Choral: grade 9 - 12
- Piano: grade 6 – 12
Steps to apply:
1) Submit the CMP application form
2) Student Statement - To be considered for the Persistence in Music Scholarship, you will need to write a brief individual statement detailing your interest in music, goals you wish to achieve and any other information you would like the review panel to know. Parents/guardians may submit on behalf of the student. This statement can be submitted through the CMP application form or emailed to
3) Teacher Recommendation - Applicants are also required to submit a letter of recommendation from a teacher (may be any discipline) outlining the students work ethic, interest in music and any other supporting information for the panel to review. Please include the teacher’s full name, subject area and school. Teacher recommendation letters can be emailed to
Application Deadline: Persistence in Music Scholarship applications for any CMP session will be accepted until all spots are filled. Priority will be given to current scholarship recipients that decide to renew their scholarship.
SUMMER 2024 - SUMMER 2025
As of summer 2024, we will no longer be offering payment plans.
Summer ’24 (8-week session): June 3, 2024 - July 29 2024 (built in week for make-up session)
Fall ’24 (13-week session): September 3, 2024 - December 6, 2024 (no lessons the week of November 28 for Thanksgiving Break)
Interim session (for current CMP students only): Max of 6 lessons between December 10, 2024 - January 27, 2025
Spring ’25 (13-week session): January 27, 2025 - May 2, 2025 (no lessons the week of March 24 for Spring Break)
**There can be no lessons in the Sinquefield Music Center or Fine Arts Building before 5pm during State Music Fest - May 1-3, 2025**
Summer ’25 (8-week session): June 2, 2025 - July 28 (built in week for make-up session)
End of Semester Fall and Spring Recitals (participation is optional - there is no summer recital):
Fall 2024 Recital: Saturday, December 7, 2024
Open dress rehearsal: 9-10:00AM
Concert time for recital #1: 10:30-12:00PM
Concert time for recital #2: 12:30PM-2:00PM
Location: Whitmore Recital Hall
Spring 2025 Recital: Saturday, May 10, 2025
Open dress rehearsal: 9-10:00AM
Concert time for recital #1: 10:30AM-12:00PM
Concert time for recital #2: 12:30PM-2:00PM
Location: Whitmore Recital Hall
Interim/Spring 2025 Application Form Please note all new piano and guitar applicants will be placed on a wait-list.
As of summer 2024, we will no longer be offering payment plans.
A registration confirmation/invoice email will be sent to you no later than two weeks after submitting your application that will contain the link to pay online.
To encourage student attendance and provide a stable income for instructors, students are required to pay their tuition in full for lessons on or before the first lesson. Throughout your enrollment in the CMP, students will be in direct contact with their instructor(s) to schedule lessons. If a student needs to change a scheduled lesson day/time, (s)he must give at least 24 hours notice to the instructor. Lessons cancelled without 24 hours' notice will not be made up, except in the case of a documented family or medical emergency, and CMP will not refund tuition for any such missed lessons. Instructors will notify the program coordinator immediately if an attendance problem arises, and students who miss two consecutive lessons without notice may have their enrollment in CMP terminated, without refund. PLEASE NOTE: With the exception of documented family or medical emergency circumstances, we cannot process refunds for CMP tuition once the semester has begun. **If the campus transitions to online only classes at any time and CMP lessons need to be moved online for any reason, refunds will not be offered. The student will have the option to take online lessons or continue with lessons whenever in-person lessons resume.**
It is the instructor’s responsibility to attend the assigned private lesson each week. A “no show” or a frivolous cancellation on the instructor’s behalf is a violation of CMP policy. Upon the instructor’s first offense he/she will be required to meet with the program coordinator to discuss in detail the lapse of responsibility. The second offense may lead to an immediate termination of the instructor’s participation in the CMP, or further disciplinary action.
In the event of inclement weather, the Community Music Program follows the University of Missouri’s inclement weather policies. Suspension or cancellation of Community Music Program lessons, classes, or recitals due to inclement weather will be avoided whenever possible. However, cancellation may be made at the discretion of the instructor, and we encourage instructors, students, parents and/or legal guardians to exercise extreme caution in situations where weather conditions may pose any risk. In such cases where classes or lessons are canceled due to inclement weather, instructors must notify the Coordinator of Outreach and Community Programs, as well as the student, parent and/or legal guardian immediately. Make-up lessons, classes, and recitals will be scheduled by mutual agreement of the instructors and students, parents, and/or legal guardians and may be limited due to scheduling and facility constraints. The Coordinator of Outreach and Community Programs reserves the right to make final decisions about cancelling recitals or other group events due to inclement weather, as well as decisions about make-up lessons, classes, recitals, and any other program events.
Where do lessons take place? Are they online or in-person?
In-person lessons must take place either in the Fine Arts Building or the Sinquefield Music Center. Lessons can be online or in-person depending on your preference. You can select which mode of instruction you prefer in the application.
How does scheduling work?
The date/time of your lesson is decided between you and your instructor. Lessons are typically once a week. If you cannot find a mutual time for lessons with your instructor please email
How do I pay for lessons?
A registration confirmation and invoice email will be sent to you within two weeks after submitting an application. This email will contain your invoice amount and the link to pay online with a credit card.
If I do not receive all of the lessons I registered for can they roll-over into the next session?
Yes, any lessons that went unused because of a conflict with either the instructor or student's schedule can be rolled over into the next session. Lessons cancelled without 24 hours notice will not be made up, except in the case of a documented family or medical emergency, and CMP will not refund tuition for any such missed lessons.
Does this program provide supplies (books or instruments for lessons)?
No, the School of Music does not provide instruments or books needed for lessons.
Where can I park?
The Hitt St. parking garage and parking lots by the Fine Arts Building and Sinquefield Music Center are permit only from 7am-6pm M-F. If your lesson is during those hours, you'll need to find metered parking.
Can I use the practice rooms?
Practice room use is reserved for students enrolled in at least one School of Music credit hour. CMP private lessons do not count. Lessons will take place in the practice rooms and if you arrive early you are welcome to warm-up in a practice room.
Email is the best way to reach us!
Joanna Griffith
Coordinator of Community Music Programs