Non-Major Studies

Music Classes for Non-Majors
Below is a list of classes that have been taught in the School of Music and a list offerings for each semester. Please check MyZou for specific times and semesters that they are offered. They are not all offered every semester.
These classes have been taught in the School of Music. Please check MyZou for specific times and semesters that they are offered. They are not all offered every semester.
General Music
Fundamentals of Music I*
Introduction to rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, and structural elements of music.
Songwriting and Beat Making*
Introductory course into the world of creating music that starts from the very beginnings of melody, harmony, and form to a finished, recorded product ready to be released.
Experiencing Music Through Concert Attendance*
Development of music listening skills through concert attendance, reading and class attendance.
Beginning Piano class
Piano instruction in a group setting designed for non-music majors with little or no piano experience.
Elementary Folk Guitar Class
Teaching correct hand position, strum patterns, and chords needed for accompaniment of popular and folk songs.
Basic Musicianship*
Development of musicianship through music reading, playing, creating, and perceptive listening, including study of pitch, rhythm, structure, style, expressive and interpretive elements, and related vocabulary.
Voice Class I
Fundamentals of singing: posture, breath support, control, vocalization, concepts of tone quality, placement and resonance. Literature selected for students with no previous vocal training. Adapted to needs of drama and other interdisciplinary students.
Commercial Music Creation and Production*
Creation and production of music in commercial styles. Editing and mixing audio recordings and MIDI data in a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW). This course is intended for music majors, minors, and non-music majors who meet the course prerequisites. Prerequisites: MUS_NM 1211, or MUS_THRY 1220, or instructor consent.
Masterpieces of Western Music*
MUSIC_NM 1310 Sec. 1
Introduction to the Western fine-art tradition through the study of representative masterworks, emphasis on developing listening skills; directed to non-majors.
Jazz, Pop, and Rock*
Historical introduction to jazz (to approximately 1970) and the American popular song, including rock and roll (to approximately 1980).
Introduction to World Music*
Introduction to the musical traditions of selected non-Western societies; emphasis on developing listening skills.
Perceiving Musical Traditions and Styles*
MUSIC_NM 2306/2306H
An introduction to music from the late Baroque to the present day, including fine art, folk, and popular music. Designed to serve as a foundation for developing knowledge and skills of musical perception that will eventually lead to thoughtful written commentary on musical performances. Graded on A-F basis only.
Career Development for Musicians
MUS_GENL 4510/7510
Examination of professional opportunities available in the Creative Economy; development of a framework for career planning, professional portfolio, and personal business plan. Prerequisites: sophomore standing and instructor's consent.
Arts Industry Survey
MUSIC_GENL 4518/7518
In-depth survey of the commercial arts industry world, with emphasis on career opportunities within the recording, performing, music retail, and music management sectors. Prerequisites: MUS_GENL 4510 and sophomore standing.
Non-Profit Management in the Arts
MUS_GENL 4520/7520
Introduction to management strategy and its application within the not-for-profit arts sector. Prerequisites: MUS_GENL 4510, sophomore standing or instructor's consent.
Community Engagement in the Arts
MUS_GENL 4522/7522
Introduction to community-based arts and their relationship to personal branding in the non-profit arts sector.
*Satisfies the humanities requirement.
General Music
Songwriting and Beat Making*
Introductory course into the world of creating music that starts from the very beginnings of melody, harmony, and form to a finished, recorded product ready to be released.
Fundamentals of Music I*
Introduction to rhythmic, melodic, harmonic, and structural elements of music.
Beginning Piano class
Piano instruction in a group setting designed for non-music majors with little or no piano experience.
Basic Musicianship*
Development of musicianship through music reading, playing, creating, and perceptive listening, including study of pitch, rhythm, structure, style, expressive and interpretive elements, and related vocabulary.
Voice Class I
Fundamentals of singing: posture, breath support, control, vocalization, concepts of tone quality, placement and resonance. Literature selected for students with no previous vocal training. Adapted to needs of drama and other interdisciplinary students.
Writing About Music*
MUSIC_NM 2306 and MUSIC_NM 2306H
Students will write, edit and publish stories about music. Interviews with music professionals, critical reviews, personal essays about the role of music in students’ lives, and historical research articles will be in the story mix.
Introduction to World Music*
Introduction to the musical traditions of selected non-Western societies; emphasis on developing listening skills.
Kansas City Jazz and Gangsters*
Focus on the social, political and artistic elements that led Kansas City to be known as the “Paris of the Plains” in the 1920s and 30s.
Introduction to Soul and Country*
Examination of musical cultures signified by “soul” and “country”.
*Satisfies the humanities requirement.
General Music
Songwriting and Beat Making*
Introductory course into the world of creating music that starts from the very beginnings of melody, harmony, and form to a finished, recorded product ready to be released.
Introduction to World Music*
Introduction to the musical traditions of selected non-Western societies; emphasis on developing listening skills.
*Satisfies the humanities requirement.
General Music
Beginning Piano class
Piano instruction in a group setting designed for non-music majors with little or no piano experience.
Elementary Folk Guitar Class
Teaching correct hand position, strum patterns, and chords needed for accompaniment of popular and folk songs.
Voice Class I
Fundamentals of singing: posture, breath support, control, vocalization, concepts of tone quality, placement and resonance. Literature selected for students with no previous vocal training. Adapted to needs of drama and other interdisciplinary students.
Writing About Music*
MUSIC_NM 2306W and MUSIC_NM 2306HW
Students will write, edit and publish stories about music. Interviews with music professionals, critical reviews, personal essays about the role of music in students’ lives, and historical research articles will be in the story mix.
Songwriting and Beat Making*
Introductory course into the world of creating music that starts from the very beginnings of melody, harmony, and form to a finished, recorded product ready to be released.
Basic Musicianship*
Development of musicianship through music reading, playing, creating, and perceptive listening, including study of pitch, rhythm, structure, style, expressive and interpretive elements, and related vocabulary.
Jazz Pop and Rock*
Historical introduction to jazz (to approximately 1970) and the American popular song, including rock and roll (to approximately 1980); directed to non-majors.
Introduction to World Music*
MUSIC_NM 1313 (online)
Introduction to the musical traditions of selected non-Western societies; emphasis on developing listening skills.
Introduction to Missouri Music*
MUSIC_NM 1332, 1332H (honors)
Introduction to the musical history of Missouri – from indigenous music to today. Students will learn about music’s role in the lives of “Missourians” from diverse geographical, ethnic, and economic backgrounds while studying music that spans popular, traditional, religious, and classical repertoires. Emphasis on developing listening skills
*Satisfies the humanities requirement.

The School of Music has a variety of ensembles that non-majors can participate in. Auditions are not required for every ensemble. For more information, visit the ensembles page.

The School of Music offers certificates in Jazz Studies and Arts Entrepreneurship. For more information, visit the certificates page.

Private Lessons
Applied private music lessons with the faculty are offered on a select basis for non-majors dependent on availability. Some studios have more room than others. Please check with the area coordinator of the desired instrument/voice to see if non-major lessons are offered.
Woodwind Area Coordinator
Brass Area Coordinator
Voice Area Coordinator
Percussion Area Coordinator
String Area Coordinator
Piano Area Coordinator