Mid-Missouri Community Orchestra (MMCO)
The Mid-Missouri Community Orchestra (MMCO) provides an informal, positive, and supportive community orchestra experience for adults of any level of experience that play a string instrument. The orchestra has been performing since the early 2000s, first under the direction of Pamela Gibb and later with Jeanne Lambson. The group is now part of Community Music @ Mizzou.

Instruction: The MMCO orchestra is comprised of musicians who began learning their instruments as adults and musicians who learned earlier in life and are looking for a relaxed, informal orchestra experience. The MMCO is only open to string players.
2024-2025 Conductor: Evan Wilde
Rehearsal location: Sinquefield Music Center (SMC 130)
Rehearsal time: 7pm-8:30pm
2024-2025 Schedule:
Fall 2024
-First rehearsal - August 26, 2024 (rehearsals are on Monday nights)
-No rehearsal on September 2, 2024 (labor day) or November 25, 2024 (thanksgiving week)
-Concert: December 2, 2024 in SMC 130 during normal rehearsal time
Spring 2025
-First rehearsal - January 27, 2025 (rehearsals are on Monday nights)
-No rehearsal on March 24, 2025 (spring break)
-Concert: May 5, 2025 in SMC 130 during normal rehearsal time
Cost: $50 per semester
Tuition is due by 5:00PM on the Friday of your first week of attendance. Only credit card payments are accepted, a link to pay online will emailed to you after your application is submitted.
If you would like to make a contribution to the MMCO that would help cover the costs of music, and compensation for section leaders and the MMCO conductor please use one of the below payment options. Thank you for your generosity!
Credit card payments can be made through the online application.
Checks should be made out to the MU School of Music and can be mailed to the address below. Please indicate "MMCO Contribution" in the notes section.
Community Music Program
202 Sinquefield Music Center
Columbia, MO 65211
Refund Policy
In the event that the MMCO cannot meet in-person due to a campus closure, refunds will not be offered. No credits will be offered if in-person instruction occurs for at least half the semester before having to cancel. If rehearsals are cancelled before the halfway point, then you can choose to have a full credit for the following semester or wait and see if rehearsals will resume for the current semester.
For students graduating in December, you can receive a full refund if rehearsals are cancelled before the halfway point or wait and see if rehearsals resume.
Joanna Griffith
Community Programs Coordinator