
Rehearsals are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:15-1:45pm.
MU's University Singers have been recognized as one of the premiere university choirs in the United States. In November of 2009, they were invited to perform at the national convention of the National Collegiate Choral Organization at Yale University--one of nine choirs selected by audition from across the U. S. In May of 2010, they accepted an invitation to perform at some of the most prestigious venues in Milan, Bologna, Rome and Salerno, Italy. This tour was sponsored by several institutions in these cities, as well as the office of the U. S. Consulate General in Naples
In January 2011 they performed by invitation at the Missouri Music Educators Association (MMEA) state convention. In March of that same year, they traveled to Chicago following an acceptance of an invitation to perform at the national convention of the American Choral Directors Association before accepting an invitation to perform at the White House in Washington, D.C. This same ensemble was the featured choir for MU residencies of Peter Phillips (Tallis Scholars) and Joseph Flummerfelt in 2012. In January of 2013, they returned to Missouri Music Educators Association conference as one of three collegiate choirs featured for the special 75th Anniversary convention. In May 2014, they were invited to perform in Austria and Hungary, including the Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest and performing with the Salzburg Cathedral choir. In May 2016 they completed a performance tour in China where they were hosted by various universities.
Rehearsals are Tuesday and Thursday 12:15-1:45 PM.
An innovative twist on the traditional choral experience, singers selected for Concert Chorale will have the opportunity to sing in both voice-specific (Soprano/Alto and Tenor/Bass) choirs as well as a mixed-voice ensemble. This auditioned ensemble is open to any university student regardless of major or year in school. Dedicated to providing a positive and high-quality choral experience, members of Concert Chorale will experience a wide variety of diverse and stimulating music that will include traditional repertoire, modern choral compositions from living composers, traditional folk songs from around the world, and a cappella/barbershop arrangements of popular songs. Singers will meet twice weekly as voice-specific ensembles and once weekly in the large mixed voice ensemble. Multiple formal and informal performances will take place throughout the year. Concert Chorale is conducted by Dr. Brandon Boyd and Emily Edgington Andrews.

Rehearsals are Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in Sheryl Crow Hall.
Sankofa Chorale provides a choral and instrumental space where singers, regardless of ethnicity, can perform the various genres of the Black tradition. The repertoire includes but is not limited to spirituals, folk music, traditional and contemporary gospel music, operatic scenes, broadway musical excerpts, rhythm and blues, and other formally composed works by Black composers and arrangers. The Sankofa Chorale is a non-auditioned ensemble and is offered for academic credit through the School of Music instructed by Dr. Brandon A. Boyd.
Rehearsals are Thursday evenings 7:00-9:00pm.
Organized in 1977, this 250-voice non-auditioned chorus represents a "union" of choral singers from the student body, University faculty and staff, and community members from Columbia and mid-Missouri. The ensemble presents one major program each semester. The Choral Union combines with professional orchestras, performers, conductors and various University instrumental ensembles to present performances of significant choral/orchestral literature. A primary objective of the Choral Union is to offer participants direct, extended educational exposure to some of the most significant music personalities of our time. These artists have included Aaron Copland, Robert Shaw, Sir David Willcocks, John Rutter, Lukas Foss, Vincent Persichetti, Margaret Hillis, Otto-Werner Mueller, and William Warfield. The Choral Union's repertoire has included large-scale oratorios such as Bach's Christmas Oratorio and Handel's Messiah and Judas Maccabaeus, Haydn's The Creation, Mendelssohn's Elijah, the Requiems of Mozart, Brahms, and Verdi, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and such 20th-century works as the Honegger King David, Carl Orff's Carmina Burana, and Vaughan Williams's Dona Nobis Pacem.
Rehearsals are Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2:00-3:00 PM.
Hitt Street Harmony is an auditioned chamber vocal ensemble specializing in traditional vocal jazz repertoire, often in collaboration with instrumental jazz combos. In addition, this ensemble also performs contemporary popular music and a cappella arrangements. Each semester the group performs one full-length concert and participates in various outreach events in the community. Hitt Street Harmony provides a diverse, challenging experience for each of its singers, developing vocal independence and a variety of different performance techniques.
Auditions for MU Choirs
Hearings are for all new students interested in joining a choral ensemble for the Fall Semester, as well as any returning students interested in auditioning into University Singers who did not audition the previous Spring. Returning members of University Singers are not required to audition in the first round but will participate in call-back auditions. Students interested in ensembles not requiring an audition (Choral Union and Sankofa Chorale), should still sign up for a hearing time listed below to ensure proper vocal part assignment.
At the hearing, singers are asked to:
- Fill out an audition form provided at the audition time.
- Perform a solo of any style that best demonstrates your vocal abilities. You may choose from a classical, musical theater, original composition, or folk/traditional song. If you cannot prepare a solo, we will vocalize you to determine your range for your ensemble placement. A collaborative pianist will be provided. Please bring printed music for the accompanist.
- Demonstrate your sight-reading skills.
- Demonstrate your tonal memory skills.
The complete process takes approximately seven minutes. The choral faculty will continue to hear late auditions during the first week of classes.
Please contact Dr. Brandon A. Boyd, Director of Choral Activities, at for questions regarding Choral Ensemble Hearings.