BM Music Education

Students in the undergraduate music education program develop excellent musicianship, breadth of knowledge in general education and core music areas and gain extensive knowledge about music teaching methods through classroom instruction. Music education students observe, interact with, and instruct K-12 students in the public schools regularly throughout their preparation, allowing for important “hands on” experience prior to the student teaching semester. Furthermore, music education faculty members often accompany students in their field experiences, giving them immediate and practical feedback about their teaching skills.    

Music education graduates receive the Bachelor of Music with an Emphasis in Music Education degree.  Music education graduates qualify for certification to teach music in grades K–12, including elementary general music, as well as their choice of secondary instrumental music, vocal music, or both fields. Our music education graduates become successful teachers and performers that are sought by schools in Missouri and beyond, as well as by prestigious graduate programs. For those music education graduates who have sought employment as K-12 music teachers, 100% have successfully attained teaching positions for over two decades. 

MU music education faculty members play active leadership roles in international and national organizations devoted to improving preK-12th grade music instruction. They also regularly publish their work in premier research and practitioner journals and remain actively engaged with music teachers through presentations and clinics. 


Assistant Professor, Choral Music Education
303 Sinquefield Music Center
Associate Professor, Director of Choral Activities
Director of Graduate Choral Conducting Program, Associate Professor of Music
312 Sinquefield Music Center
Assistant Director of Bands; Assistant Teaching Professor, Instrumental Music Education
210 Sinquefield Music Center
Professor, Director of Bands, Instrumental Music Education
Director of Bands
211 Sinquefield Music Center
Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor, Music Education
Director of Undergraduate/Graduate Studies in Music Education
268 Fine Arts Building

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