Inclusive Excellence

The School of Music formed the Inclusive Excellence Committee comprised of staff, students, and faculty members dedicated to promoting community and belonging in our School and on campus. Per their bylaws, they advise the Director on all topics relating to cultivating a sense of belonging within the curriculum, policies, and communication of the MU School of Music. 

2024-2025 Committee Members

Leo Saguiguit, chair

Amanda Collins

Stefan Freund

Joanna Griffith

Amy Knopps

Bonnie McLarty

Pete Zambito

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Inclusive Excellence Committee of the University of Missouri School of Music is to promote and facilitate a culture and atmosphere of mutual respect in our school based on the recognition of our differences. Our goal is to provide resources that promote equal access and opportunity for all constituents of the School of Music in order to attain our vision of an unbiased community. We also seek a role beyond the School of Music in promoting this goal for the university and the wider community.  

We value all points of view and all voices, worldviews, and perspectives and believe that the ideals we seek to promote should have practical effects on many of the day-to-day actions of the School of Music. We will also endeavor to increase educational opportunities for young musicians. 

Finally, we believe that the realization of a more accessible School of Music strengthens all of us, makes us more capable and effective in our individual endeavors, and widens our vision of what is possible when we all value and embrace one another as true equals.

Introduction to Soul & Country  
MUSIC_NM 1335 
Examination of musical cultures signified by “soul” and “country”. Study of the evolution and aesthetics of these genres and how they deal with concepts like identity, class, race, and ethnicity; gender and sexuality; politics and patriotism.

Introduction to World Music  
MUSIC_NM 1313 Sec. 1 (online)   
Introduction to the musical traditions of selected non-Western societies; emphasis on developing listening skills.   

Studies in World Music
Studies in World Music is designed as a survey of selected musical traditions practiced by both Western and non-Western societies to understand the function and importance of musical expression in context as well as the impact of globalization on musical styles.